This is an 8HP mutifx processor based on the Spin FV-1 DSP chip.
The hardware offers stereo in, stereo out. Level and mix control on both channels. The right hand input is normalised to the left hand input for mono in/stereo out (this configuration still provides independent level/mix adjustment for each channel).
Full stereo depends on the program running. A few are stereo in, stereo out. Many are mono in, stereo out. Some are mono in, mono out.
Suggested 32KHz crystal provides max 1sec delay times at ~15KHz bandwidth.
CV control:
The FV-1 provides three control voltage inputs. Dervish provides summed pot & external CV for each of these. External CV range is +/-5V with the corresponding pot centred. "Prog Adv" used to advance the program.
11 banks of 8 programs. The FV-1 can address a single bank of 8 effects/programs stored in an external i2c EEPROM. Dervish expands support to 11 banks of 8 effects (binary + text) by using a larger EEPROM & storing the extra banks above the 4KB addressed by the FV-1. An ATTiny MCU provides the ability to switch banks by copying the new bank into the FV-1's addressable space. A 4-pin connector exposing the i2c bus is provided so you can customise the content of the EEPROM.
Physical: 8HP, 35mm depth behind panel without power cable fitted
Electrical: Current 90mA @ +12V, 22mA @ -12V (current consumption is mostly the FV-1, so +12V will vary slightly depending on the running algorithm)
Default Installed Programs (4/11 Banks):
Bank: 0
Bank Name: uDervish Misc Reverb
Prog 0: PA Vocal
Prog 1: Large Hall
Prog 2: Small Hall
Prog 3: Stereo Plate
Prog 4: Large Stereo Plate
Prog 5: Tight Stereo Plate
Prog 6: v Tight Stereo Plate
Prog 7: Malekko Reverse Rev
Bank: 1
Bank Name: uDervish Misc Reverb
Prog 0: PA Vocal
Prog 1: Large Hall
Prog 2: Small Hall
Prog 3: Stereo Plate
Prog 4: Large Stereo Plate
Prog 5: Tight Stereo Plate
Prog 6: v Tight Stereo Plate
Prog 7: Malekko Reverse Rev
Bank: 2
Bank Name: Dattorro Mix Reverbs
Prog 0: 1k VarPrDelay VarDmp
Prog 1: 2k VarPrDelay VarDmp
Prog 2: 4k VarPrDelay VarDmp
Prog 3: 8k VarPrDelay VarDmp
Prog 4: VarFilter VarPrDelay
Prog 5: VarFilter VarDamping
Prog 6: 4k 1oct PShift I/P
Prog 7: 4k VarPShift I/P F/B
Bank: 3
Bank Name: uDervish Misc Delay1
Prog 0: Drv102 1hd + reverb
Prog 1: Drv102 2hd + reverb
Prog 2: Simple Pingpong
Prog 3: Simple Pingpong 2:1
Prog 4: Dubbel Pingpong
Prog 5: Greenwood Delay
Prog 6: Dual LFO Chorus
Prog 7: St PitchShift+FB+Dly
Bank: 4
Bank Name: uDervish Misc Delay2
Prog 0: drv103
Prog 1: drv103 + reverb
Prog 2: drv103 ppong 2:1 rvb
Prog 3: drv103 2hd 2:1 rvb
Prog 4: clksync echo
Prog 5: clksync pingpong 2:1
Prog 6: drv103 clksync
Prog 7: drv103 clksync pp 2: