-OTA 13700 IC vcf circuit with Highpass and Lowpass
-Pinging circuit for the 'poorman's kick drum'.
-wavefolder circuit
-sub harmonic generator
-line level input and output using 1/4" jack.
This is an update to my spacemoth series. When you patch
from the filter output into the Charm input and hear the
charm output you can make FM percussion sounds with ease.
You patch a square wave or sequencer gate into the ping
input and use the audio level to adjust the strike.
The audio input circuit is an internal mixer. The ping, line
level audio input, sub harmonic generator, and synth level
input all get mixed before the Audio level knob. So in other
words if the audio level knob is at zero you will effect all
the other inputs. Think of it like a Master input knob.
- 10 HP
- 42 mA +12V
- 42 mA -12V
- 0 mA 5V
- 33 mm deep