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Module A-124-2SE is the slim version of the Wasp filter module A-124.
The main difference compared to the A-124 are the small controls for Mix and Input Level because for lack of space. And the lowpass or highpass signal is available at a separate socket. A jumper is used to determine if lowpass or highpass appears at the socket.
All other features are the same as the A-124.
Module A-124-2SE is a special 12dB multimode filter using the "strange" filter circuit of the "EDP Wasp" (an analog synthesizer with black/yellow case built end of the seventies, manufactured by the UK company "Electronic Dream Plant"). This design "abuses" digital inverters as analog operational amplifiers leading to distortions and other "dirty" effects that generate the specific sound of this filter. The filter is equipped with a band pass output and a combined low/notch/high pass output. For this output a control knob defines the relation between low and high pass signal. If both signals appear at the same level (i.e. middle position of the Mix knob) one obtains a notch filter. Otherwise the low or high pass signal predominates. The module does not feature self oscillation in contrast to most of te other filters of the A-100 system.
Inputs: Audio In, CV In (2x)
Outputs: Bandpass Out, Low/Highpass Mix-Out
Controls: Audio and CV attenuator, Frequency, Resonance, LP/HP Mix
For more detailed information please look at the English user's manual A124_man.pdf
The function and operation of this module is very similar to the module SEM VCF A-106-5. But the sound of both filters is very different ! The only functional difference is the position of the sockets and controls, and the function of the controls CV2 (A-124: normal attenuator, A-106-5: polarizer).
Klangbeispiel unseres Kunden Andreas Krebs / sound example by our customer Andreas Krebs: Klangbeispiele unseres Kunden Dene Carter / sound examples by our customer Dene Carter:
Breite/Width: 8TE / 4HP / 40.3 mm
Tiefe/Depth: 45 mm (gemessen ab der Rückseite der Frontplatte / measured from the rear side of the front panel)
Strombedarf/Current: 40 mA