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BLIP is an expander module for the RADAR 8-way AD/AR envelope/LFO generator that adds a variety of additional functionality.
While we are putting together videos to demonstrate all the functionality, design, and use of BLIP, here are the features of the module.
Overall Features:
8 Channel Parameters
D-TRIG: Allows you to disable any trigger input to any channel (useful which envelope sequencing)
INVERT: Allows you to invert the shape of the envelope, so 0V->10V maps to 10V->0V
E-SEQ: Envelope Sequencer, allows you to trigger ANY combination of envelopes from the EOR (Rise) or EOF (Fall) of an envelope. Each lane can trigger ALL other lanes in any combination, so you can create loops of triggering as well
DELAY: A delay can be set to delay the start of an envelope after a trigger has come in. This also creates a delay in LFO mode as well.
S A/D SWAP: This setting has 4 modes:
Normal: RADAR default
S/A SWAP: The shape and Attack knobs are swapped, so you can use CV to control the attack of a lane
S/D SWAP: The shape and Release/Decay knobs are swapped, so you can use CV to control the release/decay of a lane
FULL SWAP: The shape controls both the Attack and the Release/Decay knob together. The Attack knob then control the shape
LEVEL: This setting allows you to set the output level of the waveform (if you want to eliminate using an attenuator after RADAR
ROLL: This allows you to roll the envelope upwards and wraps the values around back up through 0V. In many ways it is similar to wave folding, but its not a gain wrapping, it’s DC offset that doesn’t clip at the top but acts as a modulus function
E/O SWAP: Allows you to change the operation of the E/O (Equal/Opposite) button to be inverted. In conjunction with the preset system, this allows changing settings on the fly
RESET control allows resetting individual lanes or all lanes back to RADAR default. When in RESET mode, the ALL button is used to reset all lanes
The RANDOM button allows you to randomize individual lanes or ALL lines, using the ALL button when in RANDOM mode. The amount of randomization depends on if the system is in RAND1 or RAND2 mode
RAND1 is designed for subtle variations of level, delay, invert, and roll
RAND2 is designed for larger variations of level, delay, invert and roll
There are 8 PRESET locations. They can be recalled by using the PRESET button, or they can be saved when in PRESET mode using the SAVE button
CV / GATE are using to change presets/randomization using a CV voltage between 0 and 5V and a standard gate or trigger signal. There are 5 CV/GATE modes:
PRESET LAT: When a trigger comes in, the CV value will select which preset to load. There are 8 values distributed between 5V
PRESET INC: Presets are walked through based on the CV value. Certain voltages step different amounts positive or negative. The system steps to another preset when a trigger/gate is asserted
PRESET RND: Randomly selects a preset. The CV value determines how far away it will randomly select from the last preset loaded
RAND LAT: Whatever lane is pointed at with the CV voltage, a trigger will cause that lane to randomize based on the current random mode
RAND ALL: any gate will randomize all lanes based on the current random mode.
GATE BUS can listen to backplane patch change messages standardized by a variety of manufacturers
8 white LED indicate current mode
8 white LED indicate current channel selected
8 Red/Blue LED indicate channel state based on current mode
Rotary Encoder used to change Level, Roll, and Delay. Integrated push-button to enter global settings.
8 HP
Skiff Friendly (Very shallow)
Power: +12v
Current: -TBD-