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random voltage module/ clocked random melody generator
sample and hold / analog shift register inspired with some very unique features
five analog stages with feedback of last stage / feedback of all stages
our version of a sample and hold/random voltage module, this beast incorporates not one but five sample and holds, chained together, with two controllable feedback taps, individual outputs at five points, a wave-shaper output, built in white noise, two different clock modes, lag, and the ability to loop the analog cells (you load in 5 different voltages and then loop them-this can all be started and stopped via a gate pulse and/or with the built in button)
includes attenuverters on both main outputs to allow for fine tuning of output signals, a slew section with two input sources (one being the clocked waveshaper), white noise output, a very unique sum output which allows for a mixture of all five sampling cells to create trills, strange legato effects, and interesting re-construction of the incoming signal.
to put it lightly, the telephone game can crate a multitude of different modulation effects and it is extremely simple to use. *just give it a clock! can either use the built in white noise as your signal source, or plug in any cv or audio in your system. then you have the option of taking the clock out from the telephone game and driving your sequencers, clock dividers, and envelope generators/vcas in time with all the wonderful random voltages the telephone game creates. (highly recommended) or use it without any other clocked modules and tune in to the wavy world of "science sounds".
tested and developed in live situations, which means the panel layout, the graphics, and all controls add up to a module that is quick to setup and allows for on the fly melodic content.
this module is excellent for any sort of live use--improvise over infinitely evolving begs to drive your sequencers!! get the drums banging…with a single clock input, the telephone game can generate 5 different cv outs….so….set it up with a clock. feed the clock out to your sequencer. crate some drum patterns with your sequencer. then start plugging the 5 cv outs of the telephone game into different modules how about:
a bassline,
an acid melody,
a weird flutter of notes
a filter sweep cv,
a cv for pwm, or maybe a cv for a vca. you decide!
it can also bitcrush...just crank your clock to audio rates and you have an analog bit crusher. and you can also waveshape any incoming cv or audio using the clock and the morph output.
convert any signal into a series of "notes"
create stepped and smooth voltages
melodic generator…works wonderfully with a sequencer
cv master module..send clock to sequencers and dividers-use random voltages in time with all other beat driven sounds. with 5 outputs, you can drive many modules and control them all with only a few knobs. flip the clock divide switch and hear your entire track stutter and skip.
random voltage machine with feedback
take last stage and feedback into the first
sum all five stages into a summer and feedback into the first
includes button and extra gate for triggering cycle mode
clocked waveshaper output
analog looper
white noise source
slew the main out!
attenuverters on main outs for dialing in melodic lines
drive up to five destinations
(three vcos, one filter, one envelope...or any combination.)
very flexible...find new uses for it everyday!
sum mode---allows for trills, fast note runs, and slurred patterns.
multiple clock and sample modes
the various modes allow you to sync your sequencers and dividers to the telephone game at various ratios.
(this has a big effect on how the steps between the notes will sound)
you can make anything from casiotone acid church music to very slick sounding techno. or use it purely as a very flexible and powerful random voltage module.
for "regular" sample and hold uses, simply use the built in white noise, and take your voltages out from stage one. turn feedback off and get your "science fiction computer" sounds.
or explore the limits and come back with some beautiful opera music.
skiff friendly